
Bring Generative AI applications to Secondary Schools

Project Number: 2023-1-DE03-KA220-SCH-000161772


The crucial question before the spread of generative artificial intelligence in schools is: Do we adapt or resist? Human2AI aims at raising awareness among teachers and students about the risks and the opportunities of these technologies through the discussion with innovators and experts in this field; giving the competencies to manage and use these technologies critically, bringing together stakeholders of different fields to define a common perspective on a very sensitive subject for our life.


The activities foreseen are: workshops between schools’ teachers and students and AI experts and innovators to raise awareness; development of a training course and related piloting on a secondary school; IT development of innovative tools to simulate AI training in text generation; workshops at local level to foster cooperation and discussion about stakeholders spreading the output of the project for their adoption in the curricula of the secondary schools.


A vademecum on how to manage generative AI in secondary school; a training programme on basics of AI and Large Language Models and how these applications can be used in future jobs in the field of content creators; a web platform for the delivery of the training course in a blended format; a simulation tool to train and engage students in a collaborative exercise on AI; the definition of a certification process consistent with Dig.Comp. 2.2 for what concerns AI requirements.